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Menu Ideas: Spanish Tapas

Spanish Tapas

Summer in Spain is a sensory delight, and the food is no exception, especially the Spanish Tapas. The season's menus are brimming with fresh, vibrant dishes that perfectly capture the essence of sunny days and warm nights.

My Spanish Tapas Menu is light and refreshing.  Consider making a tapas menu for a family dinner or summer gathering.  It will have everyone “ooooing” and “ahhhhhing.”  Here are some ideas:

Gazpacho -  The quintessential summer starter, gazpacho is a chilled tomato soup bursting with flavor. Refreshing and light, it's the ideal way to kick off a meal on a hot day.
Spanish Tapas

Marinated Olives - A staple on any Spanish table, olives take on a special charm in the summer. Marinated with garlic, herbs, and citrus, they're a tangy, savory treat that's perfect for sharing.

Shrimp in Garlic Sauce - These are delicious little bites, and shrimp is easy to make, quick, and a crowd pleaser.  You could also consider my Easy Old Bay Shrimp or my new Jacques Pépin’s Quick Shrimp.

Spanish Tortilla - This may not be what you think it is.  A Spanish Tortilla is a potato and egg dish that you prepare in a skillet.  The potatoes go on the bottom to create the crust, and then you have a mixture of eggs and vegetables on top.  Cut these into bite-sized pieces for a tapas, or serve by the slice as a side dish instead of, let’s say, a potato salad.  It can be served warm, at room temperature, or cold.

Chorizo-Filled Dates Wrapped in Bacon - I love the sweet, salty, spicy nature of these cute little appetizers.  I haven’t written a recipe yet, but get ground chorizo or remove chorizo from the skin, and fill pitted dates.  Then wrap with bacon, bake or gill and serve.  Make sure to prepare plenty!

Spanish Tapas - Tomato Salads

Tomato Salads - Evoking the spirit of countless summer salads found across Spain, this simple yet stunning combination showcases the season's finest tomatoes. You can simply cut up tomatoes, and add thinly sliced onions salt, pepper, and a bit of Spanish Olive Oil, or make my Tomato, Feta, Basil & Thyme Salad.  The Spanish also love to make tomato salads with burrata similar to a caprese.

Spanish Tapas - Paella

Paella - No Spanish summer is complete without paella. This iconic rice dish, studded with seafood, chicken, or vegetables, is a celebration of flavor and a true crowd-pleaser.

Although not really a tapas dish, you could serve your tapas dishes and then plunk this down in the middle of the table and let people serve themselves.  I think that is a fun way to eat.  Then, people can pick out what they like in the paella.  

Fresh Fruit Salad - A selection of seasonal fruits, a fresh fruit salad is the perfect ending to a Spanish summer meal. Sweet, juicy, and refreshing, it's a light and healthy dessert that leaves you feeling satisfied.

These dishes, and many others, make summer in Spain a culinary adventure. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely Spanish Tapas menu al fresco or a festive gathering with friends and family, the flavors of the season are sure to delight.


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About Me

Hi!  I'm Jen

Cooking is a passion passed down from both of my grandmothers to my mother and then to my sister and me.  

Throughout my career, I was always drawn back to food.  I've learned from experienced chefs, apprenticed with professional bakers, and tasted coffee with international experts.

Today I'm sharing those experiences with you.

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